Update 2/9/21:
I decided to take a second crack at scanning this slide, after learning a lot more about the capabilities of my Epson V800 flatbed scanner and SilverFast scanning software. The sky was indeed NOT overexposed and was able to be recovered. I’ll be posting a video about the whole process later today! Here’s the new scan, let me know what you think!
2021 Rescan
Original Post 1/23/21:
I took this image a few years ago along the Navajo Loop trail at Bryce Canyon. I was just starting to rediscover film and decided to take the shot on both digital and film. This is a great example of some of the stark differences between the two mediums. The digital has been processed to taste in Lightroom, whereas the film shot is pretty much directly from my scan (from 2016) of the slide. You can see a narrower dynamic range where the sky is blown out on the film image, but the famous Fuji color saturation is in full effect with no real additional work. Which do you all prefer in this case? Let me know in the comments!